Monday, August 15, 2011

more le bain

I made a decision.. after visiting 3 tile shops I decided I wanted 1 inch hex cararra marble tile. The tile shop had it for $18 a square foot..
I found it on for $8.80 a square foot.. free shipping.
I'm gonna risk some appendages and try to install it myself.. Ive got carpet to buy, countertops, apron front sinks, tile for the kitchen, and most importantly, if I can save enough money maybe I can buy my dream chandelier..

yeah, Im not holding my breath!  4 more days until close!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the bday wishes! Ready to see more pics of the new pad... Headed to KC this weekend. Going to an antique sale at a warehouse in West Bottoms. Seedbox will be there. Why don'tcha come on down?
